Inflammatory Foods that Damage Gut Health

Inflammatory Foods that Damage Gut Health

Gut inflammation stems from bad bacteria (e.g., gram-negative bacteria) and a disrupted gut lining, leading to systemic and localized inflammation due to endotoxins like lipopolysaccharides entering the bloodstream.

A Western diet high in saturated fat and refined carbs increases lipopolysaccharides by 71%, whereas a cleaner, higher-fiber diet decreases gut inflammation by 31%.

Refined carbohydrates significantly increase inflammation compared to whole foods, while a high-fiber diet reduces inflammation and improves gut microbiome health.

Lack of animal protein, particularly glutamine, weakens gut lining integrity, increasing inflammation. Glutamine-rich foods or supplements can help restore gut health.

Trans fats, margarine, fried foods, soda, and low intake of fermented foods like yogurt and kimchi contribute to gut inflammation. Replacing these with whole foods, fermented items, and fiber-rich options can improve gut health and reduce inflammation.

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