Understanding high blood pressure

Understanding high blood pressure

High Blood Pressure Causes: High blood pressure is often treated as a symptom, not the root cause. Factors like vitamin D deficiency, potassium imbalance, and insulin resistance are significant contributors.

Vitamin D Deficiency: Low vitamin D triggers vasoconstriction, sodium retention, and high blood pressure. People with darker skin are more prone to vitamin D deficiency, increasing their risk of hypertension.

Potassium & Magnesium Importance: Potassium helps regulate sodium levels, protecting against hypertension. Magnesium is essential for vitamin D to work properly, preventing calcium buildup in arteries that can lead to high blood pressure.

Insulin Resistance Link: Insulin resistance, often caused by high-carb diets, is tied to conditions like high blood pressure, obesity, and fatty liver disease. Low vitamin D levels can increase this risk.

Recommendations: To combat high blood pressure,increasing vitamin D, magnesium, potassium intake, and adopting a low-carb diet to address the underlying causes.

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